Choral Angels! Unison with piano | 3 min | Listen What a privilege to introduce the traditional carols of Christmas to young children! And the chorus of Angels We Have Heard On High provides a delightful opportunity to introduce the thrill of singing perfect melismatic unison lines together in their head voices– in Latin, no less! I begin and end with original material, providing a vivid biblical image for young imaginations: The angels sang, the heavens rang, the sky was filled with music, sweet music, sweet music… Gloria in excelsis deo! Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing o’er the plains; And the mountains in reply echoing their joyous strains. Gloria in excelsis deo! The angels sang, the heavens rang, the sky was filled with music, sweet music, sweet music… So here’s a little fundamental Latin, soaring melismas, a minimum of words to memorize, an English lesson (i.e. “strain”), poetic imagery (singing mountains! a filled up sky!) well-supported by a straight forward, expressive piano accompaniment. My favorite moment is hearing them sing, “Sweet mioooo-zik!”